MPPSC Pre 2024 Solved paper with Explanation| MPPSC 2024 solved paper

MPPSC pre 2024 solved paper: Test your knowledge and then get detailed explanations for MPPSC Pre 2024 paper to enhance your exam preparation and understanding.

MPPSC Pre 2024 solved paper:

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MPPSC Prelims June 2024 paper

Self assessment- Just go through it, and study accordingly 🙂

1 / 96


The Samagra Shiksha Abhyan has emerged from the amalgamation of which of the following schemes?

2 / 96


UNNATI (Agri-GIS) project of Madhya Pradesh Government is for:

3 / 96


In the year 2022-23, on comparing the per capita income of Madya Pradesh and that of India on the basis of advanced estimates at constant (2011-12) prices, we find that

4 / 96


What was the proportion of external debt in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the end of September 2023?

5 / 96

5. What was the lower ceiling of Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Which was amended in 2007 by the Government of India?

6 / 96


Where and when was the first G20 Summit held?

7 / 96

7. According to NITI Aayog's SDG India Index 2020, how are the different categories of States' performance in Sustainable Development Goals defined on the basis of index score range?

8 / 96

8. Match the following districts of Madhya Pradesh with their unique product:

District                                           Product

(1)Ashoknagar        (i)Bananas

(2) Khargone           (ii) Maheshwari Sari and Tiger Print

(3) Burhanpur          (iii) Chanderi Saree

(4) Mandsaur           (iv) Garlic

9 / 96


GI tagged Chinnor rice is primarily produced in which district of Madhya Pradesh?

10 / 96


Which of the following statement is not correct?

11 / 96


Which of the following is the longest river?

12 / 96


From the following States of India, which was the largest producer of Rice in the year 2021-22?

13 / 96


Out of these, which State has the largest deposits of Bauxite?

14 / 96


In the year 2021-22 which State of India, had the first rank in production of pulses?

15 / 96


Which of the following two States of India, have more than 50 percent of the total country's coal reserve?

(i) Jharkhand

(ii) Madhya Pradesh


(iv) Chhattisgarh

16 / 96


Match the following pairs and identify the correct code:

Rivers              Area of Origin

1 Kaveri          (i) Satpura range

2 Sabarmati    (ii) Brahmagiri hills

3 Tapti (Tapi)    (iii) Mewad hills

4 Damodar       (iv) Chota Nagpur Plateau

17 / 96


According the Census year of 2011, which of the following States of India had the lowest density of population?

18 / 96


From the following, which cyclone struck the western coast of India in the year 2021?

19 / 96


When was bamboo nationalized in Madhya Pradesh?

20 / 96


Black soil in Madhya Pradesh is formed by which rock?


21 / 96


The south-eastern part of Madhya Pradesh receives maximum rainfall from:

22 / 96


In which of the following industry is  rock phosphate used?

23 / 96


In which district of Madhya Pradesh was the production of soyabean initially started?

24 / 96


According to 2021-22, the area and production of wheat occupies which place among cereals, in Madhya Pradesh?

25 / 96


In which of the following irrigation projects do four states have partnership?

26 / 96


According to 2011 Census, which district had the highest percentage of urban population?

27 / 96

27. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Bhopal was established with the support of a company of which country?

28 / 96


Under whose advice can the President of India declare Emergency under Article 352?

29 / 96


K. M. Munshi was related to:

30 / 96


As per Article 76 of the Indian Constitution, the President shall appoint a person to be Attorney General for India:

31 / 96


Which among the following Article speaks about impeachment of the President of India?

32 / 96


The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis is in:

33 / 96


Consider the following statements:

  1. It shall be the duty of the Advocate General to give advice to the Government of the State upon legal matters.
  2. The Advocate General shall hold office during the pleasure of the Cabinet.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

34 / 96

34. The list of powers, authority and responsibilities which may be entrusted to the panchayats is given in the:

35 / 96


Bhimma tribe lives in which of the districts of Madhya Pradesh?

36 / 96


An amendment of the Constitution shall require to be ratified by the legislatures of not less than one-half of the states:

37 / 96


Which one of the following statements is not correct?

38 / 96


In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court of India declare the prevalence of fundamental rights over directive principles of state policy in case of conflict between the two?

39 / 96


Freedom fighter Raghunath Singh Mandloi is related to the:

40 / 96


Mandwara festival is celebrated by the:

41 / 96


Who is late Shri Badal Bhoi?

42 / 96


Mahanayak 'Tantya Mama' is related to  which tribal group?

43 / 96


The year of establishment of 'Vanya', the publishing house of Tribal Affairs Department is:

44 / 96


Which award is given for writings on the cultural tradition and specialties of tribal life in Indian literature?

  • The Thakkar Bapa National Award, presented by the Madhya Pradesh government, honors social work for tribal communities. It is named after Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar, also known as Thakkar Bapa.
  • The Shankar and Raghunath Shah Puruksar Award recognizes creativity in Adivasi art, while the Rani Durgavati Puruksar Award encourages creativity and leadership skills among women.
  • The Rani Durgavati National Award is a Madhya Pradesh honor that recognizes women who have made remarkable contributions to society despite challenges.
  • The National Devi Ahilya Award is an award presented to women artists in Madhya Pradesh for their contributions to traditional, folk, and tribal arts.

45 / 96


In Which name is the Self-Employment scheme being run for tribals in Madhya Pradesh?

46 / 96


The year of establishment of 'Vanya', the publishing house of Tribal Affairs Department is:

47 / 96


Which award is given for writings on the cultural tradition and specialties of tribal life in Indian literature?

48 / 96


In whose name is the Self-Employment Scheme being run for tribals in Madhya Pradesh?

The 'Bhagwan Birsa Munda Self-Employment Scheme' approves projects with funding ranging from one lakh to 50 lakh rupees for manufacturing activities and one lakh to 25 lakh rupees for service and business activities. The family’s annual income should not exceed Rs. 12 lakhs to qualify for the scheme.


49 / 96


Birha is the popular folk song of which group of tribal women?

50 / 96


Which award is given to women for tribal, folk and traditional arts by the Madhya Pradesh Government?

51 / 96


In which district is Lamheta village located, where the Geo Park is set to be established?


The Geological Survey of India (GSI) has given approval for the establishment of India’s first geo park at Lamheta village, located on the banks of the Narmada River in Jabalpur district, Madhya Pradesh.

52 / 96


Who, in the year 2024, became the youngest player ever to win the FIDE candidates Tournament?


53 / 96


Who is the recipient of the 2023 international Prize in Statistics equivalent to the Nobel Prize in Mathematics?


54 / 96


Who among the following is associated with traditional Maach singing style?

55 / 96


Where is the world's first "Vedic Clock" installed?

56 / 96


Who among the following has been appointed the Chairperson of Lokpal of India in 2024?


57 / 96


Who among the following was nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the President of India as the 12th member in the year 2024?

58 / 96


Which of the following statements are correct about Rani Durgavati Shri Anna Protsahan Yojana?

  1. It promotes millets in Madhya Pradesh
  2. It covers the whole of Madhya Pradesh
  3. This scheme is for the period of 2023-24 to 2025-26

59 / 96


In 2017, which satellite Launch Vehicle of ISRO successfully launched 104 satellites in a single flight?

60 / 96


In which year was India's first interplanetary mission to planet Mars launched successfully?

61 / 96


The number of cervical vertebrae in a human body is:

62 / 96


Ozone layer thickness is measured in:

63 / 96


Which pulse causes lathyrism when consumed on a regular basis?

64 / 96


In human beings, disorder caused due to trisomy of 21st Chromosome is:

65 / 96


National Health Policy 2017 identified co-ordinated action on seven priority areas for improving the health. Which option is not included under the seven priority areas?

66 / 96


According to SDG India Index 2018, SDG 1, SDG 2 and SDG 9 represent respectively:

67 / 96


When did the Government of India pass the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act?


68 / 96


In the aquatic ecosystem of a pond, which of the following components is represented by fungi, bacteria and flagellates?

69 / 96


Who is the author of Yashodharman's Sondani inscription?

70 / 96


Which statement is false regarding the Dashpur inscription of Kumaragupta and Bandhuvarman?

71 / 96


What is Kohbar?

72 / 96


With which genre is Shankar Rao Pandit associated?

73 / 96


What is Sutradhar of Gammat folk theatre called?

74 / 96


Which of the following pairs is false?

Sanctuary              District

75 / 96


Match the following freedom fighters with their areas of revolution.

(1) Raja Mardan Singh     (i) Nemawar

(2) Raja Daulat Singh      (ii) Bhanpur

(3) Bakhatvali                 (iii) Shahgarh

(4) Murad Ali                  (iv) Mhow

76 / 96


Which Chalcolithic site is also called the birth place of Varahmihira

Varahamihira was an influential scholar in the 6th century CE, known for his major contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and astrology.


77 / 96


Where was the first literary reference to Narmada river found?

78 / 96

78. Where is the most famous Kailash temple located among the cave temples?

79 / 96


What is called Antaranga Sadhana under Ashtanga Yoga?

80 / 96


Which of the following Vedas was the earliest composition?


81 / 96

81. There was a provision for reciting which mantra in the Upanayana ritual of the kshatriya caste?

82 / 96


In which Vedas are Sabha and Samiti included as separate institution?


83 / 96


What is the name of the author of the historical novel 'Durgesh Nandini' written in Bengal language?


84 / 96


In the administrative system of the Mauryan period, Pradeshta is related to which department?

85 / 96


During Which Movement did Gandhiji call for boycott of the Prince of Wales?


86 / 96


Who appointed Keshav Chandra Sen as the Chief Acharya of Brahmo Samaj?

87 / 96


MPEG  stands for:

88 / 96


The branch of Artificial Intelligence is-

89 / 96


In the field of Internet, W3C stands for

90 / 96


A social networking site for professionals and business people who wish to connect with other professionals is:

91 / 96


A  _______  attack comes in the form of deceptive emails or text messages that may ask you to install software or divulge personal information.

92 / 96


Kurrently is a/an:

93 / 96


The central part of the UNIX Operating System is:

94 / 96


What are the four pillars of E- Governance?

95 / 96


The founder of Twitter is

96 / 96


The 'Imitation Game' was the original name of?

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